

Volunteers are welcomed at The Oaks of Louisiana, a not-for-profit organization. As we seek ways to expand the horizons of our residents, we often rely on community volunteers to share their time and talents here. 

As a volunteer you can select from a variety of activities that match your skills and interests. Read to someone who is visually impaired. Enjoy a conversation visiting in a resident’s apartment. Play the piano in the Community Centre. Assist with one of our many social events. If you have a special talent, please let us know!

As an Oaks of Louisiana volunteer, you can make a difference in another person's life. Whether you come short-term for community service hours or on a regular basis, we value your time … and so do our residents.

To learn more, call (318) 212-2000 and ask to speak with the volunteer coordinator. 

Volunteer Requirements

Confidentiality: All volunteers should realize the importance of observing confidentiality concerning the residents. There should be no discussion of any resident or any aspect of a resident's life with anyone outside of The Oaks of Louisiana. 

Health: Good health is required. If there is a physical problem, it will be at the discretion of the volunteer coordinator whether or not to allow the individual to participate in the volunteer program. 

Transportation: The volunteer must provide his/her own transportation. 

Training: All volunteers must complete the Oaks of Louisiana Volunteer Orientation. 

Dress: Volunteers do not wear a uniform, but must wear nametags and clothing suitable for their assignments. 

Identification: An identification badge will be issued to each volunteer and must be worn anytime the volunteer is on campus. 

Alcohol/Drugs: No volunteer may visit a resident if the volunteer is under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs. 

Qualifications: A volunteer must be able to relate emotionally and responsibly to residents and Oaks of Louisiana employees. Teamwork is essential, as are patience and good listening skills. Volunteers must be open-minded to diverse cultural and religious values and lifestyles. All volunteers at The Oaks must be at least age 18 to engage in activities without an adult supervisor.