Driving Directions
The Oaks of Louisiana
600 East Flournoy Lucas Road
Shreveport, Louisiana 71115
(318) 212-OAKS (6257)
Help us protect our wildlife.
Please watch for ducks and geese when driving on our campus.

From the north (Texarkana area) to The Oaks of Louisiana in south Shreveport:
From I-49 S. turn left at US-71 S. drive south and take the ramp to Dallas, merging onto 1-220 W. Continue 7.5 miles and continue onto LA-3132 E for 10.2 miles. LA-3132 ends at East Flournoy Lucas Road. Take a left onto East Flournoy Lucas Road and drive .5 miles and The Oaks of Louisiana entrance will be on the left.
From the south (Alexandria):
Drive north on I-49 N. Entering Shreveport, take exit 201 to merge onto LA-3132 E. Drive 3.1 miles and turn left East Flournoy Lucas Road. Drive .5 miles and The Oaks of Louisiana entrance will be on the left.
From the east (Monroe):
Head west on 1-20 W. Take exit 17B to merge onto 1-49S toward Alexandria. Drive 5.5 miles and exit 201 to merge onto LA-3132 E/Inner Loop Expressway. Turn left at East Flournoy Lucas Road and drive .5 miles. The Oaks of Louisiana will be on the left.
From the west (Dallas):
From 1-20 E, enter Louisiana. Take exit 11 to merge onto LA-3132 toward Alexandria. In 10.7 miles, turn left at East Flournoy Lucas Road. Drive .5 miles and The Oaks of Louisiana entrance will be on the left.